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Ram usage is High my opening
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Автор:  capee [ 14 апр 2012 09:25 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Ram usage is High my opening

Ram usage to a vires Gard (this ram usage higher to File scanning time )

Kaspesky 4 mb - 27 mb
norton 27 mb - to 80 mb
ESTI nod 32 48mb
sysmentec 127mb - 180mb
avast 22mb - 44
comodor 22-35mb

:arrow: {Nano 208mb
program 35 - 45mb}

this normal populer vires gard ram useg but nano vires Gard ram usege is high

my opening is this can using multitreding or paging file sometime reduse to ram usege :geek:

this is good antivirus program is fact is some antivires gard cant recovery file but this nano is it can
Avira or Avast

Комментарий к файлу: ram usage
nano.jpg [ 62.28 КБ | Просмотров: 56986 ]

Автор:  capee [ 14 апр 2012 14:58 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: Ram usage is High my opening

please add to time limit to a display information and time limit user can changing faculty

Автор:  Irina [ 19 апр 2012 12:32 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: Ram usage is High my opening

capee, at this stage that memory usage is normal. But of course we improve it and will improve further. Btw the situation with memory usage by another antiviruses isn't such smooth as you show.
As for your suggestion, please could you please explain it more clear as we don't get what do you mean.

Автор:  Zac1999 [ 27 ноя 2015 15:09 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: Ram usage is High my opening

nice one admin. for keeping nano fast and good pr
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