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 Заголовок сообщения: Initial Observations
СообщениеДобавлено: 15 янв 2010 18:25 
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15 янв 2010 08:58
Сообщения: 2
I have had Beta running for 2 days.

In "Appearance"
Skin "Basic" and Language "Russian" behave like entangled quantum particles.
Skin "Default" and Language "English" are similarly entangled.
Shouldn't the selection in each field be independent of the other?

Nano AV does not detect any of the Spycar test files, It's not the only AV that doesn't (and Windows Defender does catch them) but I wondered if Nano is supposed to stop them.

When Nano detects 'eicar,com', it scans RAM and prompts for a reboot to clean up.
This is a very thorough approach but also very annoying if Nano wants to reboot the PC even when it has detected nothing in RAM.

Bye for now!

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Initial Observations
СообщениеДобавлено: 19 янв 2010 11:50 
NanoAV Team
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27 мар 2009 16:17
Сообщения: 696
Thank you for your post.
nanchalant писал(а):
I have had Beta running for 2 days.

In "Appearance"
Skin "Basic" and Language "Russian" behave like entangled quantum particles.
Skin "Default" and Language "English" are similarly entangled.
Shouldn't the selection in each field be independent of the other?

This bug will be fixed soon.
UPD. The bug fixed. Wait new version :) .
nanchalant писал(а):
Nano AV does not detect any of the Spycar test files, It's not the only AV that doesn't (and Windows Defender does catch them) but I wondered if Nano is supposed to stop them.

Spycar uses for proactive module testing. There isn't that module in current release.

nanchalant писал(а):
When Nano detects 'eicar,com', it scans RAM and prompts for a reboot to clean up.
This is a very thorough approach but also very annoying if Nano wants to reboot the PC even when it has detected nothing in RAM.

We know about this problem and found the way to decide it so it will be fixed as soon as possible.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Initial Observations
СообщениеДобавлено: 20 янв 2010 10:04 
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15 янв 2010 08:58
Сообщения: 2
Thanks Irina. I'll keep a lookout for

Nano has relatively high CPU requirement, e.g. dual-core is recommended.
What does it do not as well with single-core?

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Initial Observations
СообщениеДобавлено: 21 янв 2010 12:46 
NanoAV Team
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27 мар 2009 16:17
Сообщения: 696
nanchalant писал(а):
Nano has relatively high CPU requirement, e.g. dual-core is recommended.
What does it do not as well with single-core?

Dual-core is recommended for scanning process of course. A single-core is quite enough for monitor. Anyway we tested NANO AntiVirus with single-core and result is satisfactory.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Initial Observations
СообщениеДобавлено: 04 фев 2010 00:21 
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04 фев 2010 00:18
Сообщения: 1
I have noticed that the antivirus use a total 150mb ram, which is over 100mb more than the others populair antivirus.
I also like to see cloud technology in further versions?

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Initial Observations
СообщениеДобавлено: 04 фев 2010 16:56 
NanoAV Team
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27 мар 2009 16:17
Сообщения: 696
Pedersen писал(а):
I have noticed that the antivirus use a total 150mb ram, which is over 100mb more than the others populair antivirus.
I also like to see cloud technology in further versions?

We are working to decrease ram using. We are going to optimize it in further versions.

As for the cloud technology we don't plan to implement it as yet, maybe later.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Initial Observations
СообщениеДобавлено: 10 июл 2010 00:45 
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11 май 2010 18:13
Сообщения: 15
HI Irina !!!
When will the full version of the nano antivirus???
You will support the Hungarian language as well???

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Initial Observations
СообщениеДобавлено: 12 июл 2010 12:32 
NanoAV Team
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27 мар 2009 16:17
Сообщения: 696
W666W писал(а):
HI Irina !!!
When will the full version of the nano antivirus???
You will support the Hungarian language as well???
We haven't specified a date of the release version yet.
We plan to add more languages to the NANO AntiVirus interface in the future, but I guess the help of our users will be required :) .

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Initial Observations
СообщениеДобавлено: 12 июл 2010 19:41 
Не в сети

11 май 2010 18:13
Сообщения: 15
Irina писал(а):
W666W писал(а):
HI Irina !!!
When will the full version of the nano antivirus???
You will support the Hungarian language as well???
We haven't specified a date of the release version yet.
We plan to add more languages to the NANO AntiVirus interface in the future, but I guess the help of our users will be required :) .


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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Initial Observations
СообщениеДобавлено: 18 июл 2010 08:32 
Не в сети

11 май 2010 18:13
Сообщения: 15
I would like to congratulate the new beta of the new ...
The nano AntiVirus 0.8 beta's 142 Mbytes of memory consumed .. Now, however, Tier only 104 Mbytes per .. I am very glad that the memory consumption is reduced, and even if I sensed as if the operation would be faster than any event I would like to congratulate good work .. Keep it up
Thank You !!!! :!:

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